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Robin x

Baby Blanket Ta Dahhh (plus border edging pattern)

Baby Blanket Ta Dahhh (plus border edging pattern)

A couple of weeks ago I set a new record for myself. I started and completed a baby blanket in 3 days.


. That sounds fast, however, the reality was that I didn't leave the my seat in that entire time, have left a permanent butt grove in the sofa and am now suffering from chronic tennis elbow (more about that in later posts haha!) 

Crochet is normally a relaxing happy pastime but not this blanket! I was in a panic to finish and can safely say, I will never churn out another blanket so fast ever again. I am maintaining that this particular blanket has nothing to do with my TERRIBLE time management and is in fact down to her being born prematurely. That is my official line.

I will gloss over the fact that I knew she was going to be premature and that I also knew weeks in advance that she could have been born any day….

When I posted the photos on Instagram, I had a lot of people asking about the pattern and my border so I will tackle both those things in this post!

Firstly the pattern

. It is from MyPicot.com, this square doesn’t seem to have a name but it is very pretty! The direct link to the pattern is


– I initially found the written instructions a little tricksy (no idea why, clearly I was having a brain fart day) so instead followed the chart that is available in the downloadable PDF.

I continued my square until it was roughly the right size I wanted and then stopped.

The scalloped edging was a little too flouncy for my liking so I squared it off.

The border

is 2 rounds, the first round was to square off the scallop, the second round was a round of crab stitch.

I have drawn a rough chart for you to see the stitches I used for the squaring off. If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and I will do my best to help!

A word of warning if you follow my instructions for the edging:


. There is no escaping the blocking I’m afraid. I hate blocking with a passion so I can only apologise for this! Haha!

You may find that going down a hook size will help avoid the need to block but as I was rushing (and therefore not thinking) I used the same size hook for the entire blanket so haven’t tested it myself.

Blanket Stats:

Yarn: Rooster Almerino Aran

Hook size: 5.5mm

Time: 3 crochet intensive days where I only took pee and sleep breaks LOL

Crochet a Flat Border Around Solid Granny Squares (sort of tutorial, sort of pattern!)

Crochet a Flat Border Around Solid Granny Squares (sort of tutorial, sort of pattern!)

Walter Blanket Ta Dahhh!

Walter Blanket Ta Dahhh!