

Welcome to my website. Here you will find all my free crochet patterns and tutorials πŸ˜€

Click the categories on the left to get started!

Robin x

Crochet Classes in North Devon

Crochet Classes in North Devon

Fancy learning how to crochet in person? I can teach you!

Throughout 2015, I will be running monthly crochet lessons in Ilfracombe, North Devon at my favourite local yarn shop (who also has the

 MOST amazing homemade cakes I might add)

The Periwinkle


I will be teaching lots of various classes from beginner lessons right up to advanced so whether you are a complete novice who has never so much as touched a crochet hook before, want to brush up on your skills or fancy meeting like-minded people and to pick up some tips, The Periwinkle is the place to be! 

With free tea, coffee and cake thrown into the mix what’s not to love?!

I also attend the monthly Crochet Drop In Club at The Periwinkle where I am available for trouble shooting and brain picking ;)

For the full list of classes, dates and times, please visit the

Workshops Page

 or the

Clubs Page

on The Periwinkle’s website.

You can also find The Periwinkle on





Crochet Kindle Cover ta dahhh and pattern!

Crochet Kindle Cover ta dahhh and pattern!

Crochet Granny Square Tutorial

Crochet Granny Square Tutorial